Divinity School course learns from history how to become a force for good
“We’re here because we’re all seeking change,” said Vincenzo Pascale, a journalist and a representative of Migrantes, an NGO affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church at the United Nations. “The program validated my work and the exercises helped me bring forward some ideas I’ve been contemplating on how to increase our organization’s leverage.”
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Harvard Divinity School, June 2019
Executive Education
Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2003
Doctoral Program, Ph.D. in Comparative Literature And Critical Theory; Italian Specialization Program
Dissertation title: Memoria e violenza in “Il Sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio” di Vincenzo Consolo
Prof. Robert.S. Dombroski, Eugenia Paulicelli; Peter Carravetta, advisors
Robert L. Stevenson College, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1994
Certificate in English Composition
Universitá La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, 1993
Post Graduate Studies in Theory of Literature
Universitá degli Studi di Salerno, 1991
Laurea in Lingue e Letterature straniere Moderne Specializzazione in Letteratura Inglese e Letteratura Italiana
Title of Thesis: The Gentleman’s Education: John Locke and the Education of Ruling Class.
Prof. Aldo.M. Musu, Prof. RosaMaria Loretelli advisors
University of Freiburg in Brisgau, 1990 (Spring Semester)
Germany. Erasmus Program. Recipient of Fellowship by the European Union to study Multicultural Education
Fellowship Harvard Divinity School, June 2019. Workshop on Making Change.
Educator of the Year Award for Higher Education granted by AIAE (Association of Italian American Educators), New York. April 2007.
Member Editorial Board, Contemporanea (Universitá di Pisa), Review of Critical Thought and Literature
I.A.C.E. (Italian American Committee on Education), Executive Board Member
Promote Italian Language and Culture in Italian Public Schools Throughout the Tristate Area in collaboration with Consulate General of Italy in New York and Italian Foreign Office, Cultural Affairs Dept.
Academic Advisor for the New Jersey Italian and Italian American Heritage Commission
Named Knight of the Italian Republic in the Order of Star of Italy, June 2, 2014. President of Italian Republic Sen. Giorgio Napolitano granted this title.